I wasn't elected, yet I still WIN!

The results of the recent Redford Township election have been a profound moment of reflection for me. Announcing my candidacy just 47 days before election day, we embarked on a campaign that was anything but traditional. Opting out of using mailers or yard signs to minimize our environmental impact, our journey was driven by a deep commitment to sustainability and community engagement.

A New Approach to Campaigning:

Our campaign’s foundation was built on eco-conscious values, avoiding the traditional routes of physical marketing materials that contribute significantly to environmental degradation. This decision highlighted our dedication to being present and also to the future of our community. Securing 11% of the votes and coming in fifth, just outside the elected positions, speaks volumes about the community’s support and the effectiveness of our approach despite the unconventional tactics.

Environmental Considerations:

The choice to forgo typical campaign signs stemmed from an awareness of their long-lasting negative impact on the environment—often made with harmful materials that do not decompose. This decision was a stand against the ongoing pollution and a step towards advocating for sustainable practices that I hope will set a new standard for future campaigns.

Family-Inspired Dedication to Our Community’s Future:

This run for trustee was more than a campaign; it was a dedication to my family—their present and their futures—and to all the families in Redford Township. Inspired by my children and the world I hope to help shape for their children, each decision in this campaign was guided by a commitment to leave behind a healthier, more sustainable community. As a parent, my actions today are driven by the desire to ensure a thriving environment for generations to come. Our efforts to promote eco-conscious living and community collaboration are just the beginning. I am determined to continue working tirelessly, fostering initiatives that protect our natural resources and enhance our community’s vitality, ensuring a prosperous legacy for our children and all future residents of Redford

Gratitude for Community Support:

I am immensely grateful for the encouragement and support from every corner of our community. This campaign has reinforced my connection to Redford, a place where I have raised my family and engaged deeply with fellow residents. The results have shown that there is a strong desire for change and progression towards sustainability.

The Road Ahead:

A a trustee seat wasn’t meant for me this round, my resolve to contribute positively to our town remains unchanged. The campaign may be over, yet our work continues. I am excited to keep the momentum going with initiatives like weekly community walks and more, where we can come together to share, learn, and plan for a sustainable future.

Thank you, Redford, for your belief in our vision. The campaign has ended, but the mission to revitalize and sustain our beautiful township is just beginning. I invite you to stay engaged, join our community efforts, and help shape the future of Redford. Together, we will make a difference.


#RevitalizeRedford #CommunityStrong #SustainableFuture #ThankYouRedford
