Rediscovering Roots with Beet-V8 Juice: A Journey of Wellness and Self-Love

Hey Wellness Warriors, today I’m excited to share with you the beginning of my May Warrior Commitment—a journey that revisits the transformative practice of juicing, a path that has significantly shaped my life. Over a decade ago, I hosted my first 30-Day Challenge. As a leader, it propelled me to show up for others and, finally, for myself in ways I had never envisioned. Today, I find myself at a similar transformative juncture.

The Decision to Choose Health Over Vanity

The past year has been one of the most challenging periods of my life, marked by personal trials including the decision against reconstructive surgery—a choice that prioritized my health over appearance. This decision, while difficult, is a testament to self-love and acceptance, despite battling body dysmorphia. In preparation for potential surgery, I had gained weight, which now serves no purpose in my journey. This isn’t just about shedding physical weight; it’s about releasing the emotional and psychological burdens that have accumulated, symbolized by this weight.

The Power of Juicing and Commitment

This morning, I kicked off the challenge with what I call a Beet-V8 juice—a vibrant blend aimed at nurturing my body and spirit. You know I added this all to my Nama J2 Juicer to make it super simple to prep and clean! Click on the link to shop and save with our WELLNESSWARRIOR discount. 

Here’s what I used:

  • 1 head of celery
  • 1 red pepper
  • 2 full carrots
  • 1 beet
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup cilantro

Discover the Health Benefits + Chakra Alignment of Beet-V8 Juice


Rich in vitamins and hydrating properties, celery supports the heart chakra, enhancing emotional balance and strength.

Red Pepper

Vibrant and full of vitamins C and A, it energizes the root chakra, grounding and revitalizing our sense of stability.


Their nourishing beta-carotene boosts the sacral chakra, fostering creativity and wellness.


This powerful root supports the root chakra, enhancing vitality and grounding.


Linked to the heart chakra, tomatoes encourage love and emotional well-being.

Garlic + Cilantro

They cleanse & protect; garlic fortifies the immune system and aligns the solar plexus chakra, while cilantro helps detoxify and connects to the heart chakra.

A Commitment to Self-Love and Grace

This journey is about more than nutrition; it’s a holistic embrace of wellness, acknowledging the immense challenges and extending grace to oneself amidst life’s storms. The past year, despite its darkness, has brought profound growth and clarity.

As I recommit to these life-enhancing practices during the May Warrior Commitment, I invite each of you to join me. Whether through a daily juice, smoothie, or salad, let’s support each other in this journey of health and self-discovery. Remember, it’s not just about the physical nourishment—these practices are gateways to healing our inner worlds.

Join me, and let’s transform our lives, one juice at a time.

XO, Lindsaya
